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PCB Implementation Task Force Final Evaluation Report

North American Regional Action Plan on PCBs

January 15, 2006 25 pages
CEC Publication Cover

PCB Implementation Task Force Final Evaluation Report

North American Regional Action Plan on PCBs

January 15, 2006 25 pages


This report was developed by the North American PCB Implementation Task Force (ITF), an organization established under the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) consisting of representatives from environmental regulatory agencies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The primary purpose of the report is to provide a final update on recent events in each country that have bearing on the implementation of the PCB NARAP, to summarize the status of the NARAP action items at the conclusion of the PCB ITF’s formal activities, and to indicate any future directions for work by the three countries on the NARAP subsequent to the close-out of the ITF.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Pollutants
