CEC hero image, a photo of Pollutants



Promoting clean air, water and land through prevention, reductions, and sound management of pollutant releases, toxic chemicals and hazardous waste

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

Taking Stock Volume 16

North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers, with a feature analysis of off-site transfers to disposal

CEC Tools and Resources

Mining Sector: Interactive Infographic

North American industry sectors produce the energy, materials and items that we use every day. They also generate pollutants that must be managed.

North American Environmental Atlas

The North American Environmental Atlas seamlessly assembles accurate cartographic data including maps, documentation, and interactive map layers at a scale of 1:10,000,000.


Taking Stock

137 pages March 27, 2023

Taking Stock 16

North American PRTR data show that total releases and transfers reported by facilities across the...

CEC Publications

4 pages April 29, 2021

Long-term Impact Assessment of the CEC’s Work to Support AirNow-International

AirNow-International (AirNow-I) is a system that allows government agencies and organizations to collect, process, exchange,...

CEC Publication Cover

7 pages July 16, 2019

Long-term Impact Assessment of the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Initiative (1995–2015)

The North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (NAPRTR) Initiative originates from a commitment of...

Maritime Transportation Publication Cover

80 pages June 1, 2018

Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America

The influence of ship emissions on air quality in Mexico and the potential improvements resulting...

Goods Movement Publication Cover

31 pages June 1, 2018

Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America

This document presents the key premises and results of the fuel supply and cost analysis,...