Supporting enforcement and compliance with domestic environmental law and with multilateral environmental agreements
Tools and Resources

Sustainable Trade of Priority Species in North America
We contribute to the to the legal, sustainable and traceable production and trade in these selected species.

CEC Training Materials on Environmentally Sound Management
ESM can be defined as taking all practicable steps to ensure that used and/or end-of-life products and wastes are managed in a manner that will protect human health and the environment.

84 pages August 7, 2019
Trinational Trade and Enforcement Training Workshop to Support the Legal and Sustainable Trade in Turtles and Tortoises
The topics covered during the workshop addressed conservation, management, and enforcement needs. The workshop was...

49 pages August 6, 2019
Regional Workshop on the Evaluation of Capacities to Identify Woods in the Trade of CITES-listed Priority Timber Species
The objective was to exchange information and experiences, as well as databases, methodologies and tools,...

2 pages July 16, 2019
Long-term Impact Assessment of the Sound Management of Hazardous Waste Work (1996–2014)
CEC’s work on hazardous waste management spanned 18 years and included the following initiatives: Training...

27 pages February 13, 2019
Collaboration to support sustainable trade of tarantulas in North America
The Trinational Trade Session included 16 presentations in nine topics related to the conservation and...

80 pages February 13, 2019
Identification of CITES-listed Tarantulas
Collectively, these species comprise all of the tarantula species that are listed on the Appendices...