CEC hero image, a photo of Array


Operational Plan 2023

This Operational Plan 2023 (OP) presents the work that the CEC will implement this year, which by and large continues the work initiated in 2022.

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Council Resolution 24-03

June 26, 2024

Approval of use of the CEC unrestricted surplus funds for the North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA)

Council Resolution

Council Resolution 24-02

June 26, 2024

Instructions to the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) regarding submission SEM 21-002 (Vaquita Porpoise)

Council Resolution Reasons for Council Instructions

Council Resolution 24-01

May 30, 2024

Grant Program on Environmental Justice and Climate Change Resilience in North America (EJ4Climate)

Council Resolution

Advice to Council No: 24-02

May 29, 2024

Public Consultation on new CEC Project: Community-led Environmental Education Initiative for Biocultural Heritage Protection

Advice to Council

Advice to Council No: 24-01

May 22, 2024

JPAC Public Forum on Community-based Conservation of Freshwater Resources: Forging Alliances for Water Stewardship

Advice to Council

Report Template

May 10, 2024

This template is designed to give consultants the organization and necessary styles for use in preparing reports, background papers or other documents


Consultant Services Procurement Manual

January 31, 2024

This manual has been developed to provide a framework and process for the procurement of external consultant services through professional service contracts


Council Resolution 23-06

January 4, 2024

Funding of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation for the Financial Year 2024

Council Resolution

Operational Plan 2023

December 1, 2023

This Operational Plan 2023 (OP) presents the work that the CEC will implement this year, which by and large continues the work initiated in 2022.

Operational Plan Appendix

Advice to Council 23-03

November 29, 2023

JPAC Public Forum on Indigenous Approaches to Climate Adaptation

Advice to Council

Publications Library

Can’t find what you are looking for? Perhaps it is in our publications library. There you will find all official CEC publications.