CEC hero image, a photo of Long-term Impact Assessment of the CEC Monarch Butterfly Conservation Work (1996–2016)


Long-term Impact Assessment of the CEC Monarch Butterfly Conservation Work (1996–2016)

July 16, 2019 2 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Long-term Impact Assessment of the CEC Monarch Butterfly Conservation Work (1996–2016)

July 16, 2019 2 pages


Since 1996, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation has been actively involved in the conservation of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), a symbol of trinational environmental cooperation between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Although interrupted for a few years, CEC efforts to conserve the species intensified after population declines were recorded at overwintering sites in Mexico in 2005 (Rendon-Salinas and Galindo-Leal 2005).

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Ecosystems
Series: Long-term Impact Assessment
Full version: The full version of the report is available in English upon request to rinfiesta@cec.org
