CEC hero image, a photo of Array


XXth Regular Session of the CEC Council and Meetings of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)

Los Cabos, BC, Mexico The Westin, Los Cabos Carretera Transpeninsular KM 22.5 Los Cabos, Baja California Sur Tel: (52)(624) 142 9000

10 and 11 July, 2013


On July 11, Canadian, Mexican and US high-level government environment officials came together and engaged the public in a town hall meeting focused on the relationship between transportation and the environment. The officials previewed plans for CEC work over the next two years, launching trinational efforts to green transportation in North America, tackle climate change and improve air quality, and address waste in trade in North America.


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Hotel Main Lobby

Registration of Participants


Opening and Introductory Remarks

David Angus
JPAC Chair


Mapping Transportation in North America

Benjamin Teitelbaum
Program Manager, Greening the Economy in North America
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Greening Logistics and Supply Chains in North America—A way to reduce GHGs generated by the movement of goods and people

Felicia Marcus
JPAC Member

Bernard Gendron
Director, Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks
Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT)
Download Presentation

Juan Carlos Camargo
Environment Manager, Wal-Mart México
Download Presentation

Michael Kelley
Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President, External Affairs
YRC Worldwide
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Clean, Green and Moving: Borders, Corridors and Gateways—A focus on transborder shipment of goods (freight) by both land and sea (borders, inland and seaports)

Gustavo Alanís
JPAC Member

Diane Gray
President and CEO
CentrePort Canada, Inc.
Download Presentation

Glen P. Kedzie
Vice President, Energy and Environmental Council
American Trucking Associations
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Roberto Aguerrebere Salido
Assistant General Director, Mexican Institute of Transportation
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Arrecifes Restaurant

Lunch [provided]


Urban Transportation Challenges—Focus on the impact of the “last mile” (final delivery of freight), on the movement of people (private and public transportation), alternative fuels and air quality challenges and impacts.

Jacques Gauthier
JPAC Member

Sergio Sánchez
Executive Director
Clean Air Institute
Download Presentation

Katherine Blumberg
Program Director
International Council on Clean Transportation
Download Presentation

Abel López Dodero
Coordinator for the Administration of Integrated Systems of Transportation
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Innovation and Technology—Focus on intelligent transportation system (ITS) innovations being developed and implemented; solutions such as Connected Vehicle technology, adaptive traffic signals, advanced traffic and incident management systems, electronic tolling, etc.; and how these can contribute to reduction of GHG associated with transportation challenges/environment.

Gabriel Calvillo
JPAC Member

Juan Carlos Villa
Manager, Mexico City Office of Texas Transportation Institute
Download Presentation

Lynn Lyon
Director of Fuel Market Development Domestic Operations
Pioneer Natural Resources
Download Presentation

Dale George
Founder and Chief Technical Officer, Buoyant Aircraft Systems International
Download Presentation

Eduardo J. Solís
President, Mexican Association for the Automotive Industry
Download Presentation


Final Presentation of all the items/recommendations to be included in the Moving Forward Summary


JPAC Report on the 20th Anniversary of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC)


Report from the National and Governmental Advisory Committee Representatives


Closing Remarks by the JPAC Chair, David Angus

Baja Ballroom

Networking Session for the Public

Based on the discussions held throughout the day, participants are invited to meet and exchange views on North American transportation issues, to be raised with the Ministers during the Council Public Meeting on 11 July. Participants will be asked to identify four key issues for our region and appoint an equal number of representatives, who will present on behalf of the group. JPAC members will attend as observers.

Terraza Bugambilias

Welcoming Reception and Official Opening of the 20th Regular Session of the CEC Council

  • Welcoming remarks by Marcos Covarrubias Villaseñor, Gobernador del Estado de Baja California Sur
  • Remarks by Irasema Coronado, CEC Executive Director
  • Remarks by David Angus, Chair of the CEC Joint Public Advisory Committee
  • Remarks by Bob Perciasepe, Acting Administrator, US Environmental Protection Agency
  • Remarks by Dan McDougall, Assistant Deputy Minister for InternationalAffairs and Chief Negotiator and Ambassador for Climate Change, Environment Canada
  • Welcoming remarks and Official opening of the 20th Regular Session of the Council by Juan José Guerra, Mexican Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources 

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Hotel Main Lobby

Registration of Participants


Connecting North America’s communities through NAPECA

Irasema Coronado
CEC Executive Director


Isla Magdalena: Building a sustainable coastal community with the North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action

Amanda Lejbowicz
Coordinator, Program of Science and Baja California, Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C.
Download Presentation


Depave Paradise: Restoring natural diversity by ripping up concrete and asphalt and replacing it with soil and vegetation

Kathryn Gold
Green Communities Canada
Download Presentation


Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP): A Collaborative, Community-based Approach to Watershed Restoration

David Critton
Chief Operations Officer
Southwest Conservation Corps
Download Presentation


Introduction and presentation of films on North America’s Marine Protected Areas


Networking session



Baja Ballroom

Council Public Meeting

Irasema Coronado
2013–2014 Operational Plan: Initiatives supporting strategic goals and addressing key environmental issues
Download Presentation

Rodrigo García
Download Presentation

Irasema Coronado
Launching Call for proposals for NAPECA 2013–2014
Download Presentation

Restaurant La Cascada

Lunch [provided]

Baja Ballroom

Council Public Meeting (continued) – Council town hall

Introduction on the conduct/format of the session by David Angus, JPAC Chair and moderator

Presentations from community and academic stakeholders on a topic related to “Transportation and the environment”, including web and on-site presentations


Council Session Closing

  • Signing of Council resolution and ministerial statement
  • Closing Remarks, by Acting EPA Administrator Bob Perciasepe
  • Concluding remarks and Passing the Torch by Secretary Guerra
  • New Council Chair and Announcement of 2014 Council Session by Assistant Deputy Minister Dan McDougall

End of Session

Playa Westin

Closing Dinner [provided]