#CEC31: 31st Annual Council Session and JPAC Public Forum
Wilmington, North Carolina
United States
From 24 to 26 June 2024
Mark your calendar for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s (CEC) 31st annual Council Session and Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Public Forum, to be held 24–26 June 2024 in Wilmington, North Carolina under the theme “Strengthening Environmental Justice through Community Empowerment.”
#CEC31 will bring together North America’s top environmental officials and the public-at-large to learn from and engage with environmental justice advocates, Indigenous and community leaders, experts, youth, activists and others. 2024 also marks the CEC’s 30th anniversary, presenting an opportunity for the CEC and North America to reflect upon and showcase three decades of regional environmental cooperation.
Online registration for on-site attendance is now closed. However, you can still register in person at the Wilmington Convention Center. Looking forward to seeing you!

#CEC31 is a three-day event that is open to the public, with live-streamed events featuring simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Spanish. #CEC31 events can be attended in person or virtually at no cost.
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−04:00)
The JPAC Public Forum on Advancing Environmental Justice in North America will kick off the three-day event on 24 June, providing public participants the opportunity to engage in an open dialogue and share their experiences on advancing environmental justice and empowering communities across North America, helping the CEC identify critical and emerging environmental issues at the local and regional level.
9:00 am-9:30 am
Location: Convention Center, Ballroom ABC
JPAC Public Forum Welcoming Ceremony
9:30 am-10:00 am
Keynote presentation
Over the next decade, North America will confront a multitude of pressing environmental and social challenges, ranging from climate change and biodiversity loss to disparities in resource access and social inequities.
Through the lens of environmental justice, this keynote will delve into the interconnected complexities that shape our journey to 2030. It will examine how environmental degradation disproportionately impacts at-risk, impoverished, marginalized, and excluded populations, threatening their health, livelihoods, and human and collective rights.
Diandra Marizet Esparza
Executive Director, Intersectional Environmentalist
10:15 am-12:00 pm
Panel 1: Legal and Policy Instruments to Access and Implement Environmental Justice in North America
Historically, the environmental burdens resulting from the use and misuse of the land and its resources have been distributed unequally, with the poor, marginalized and minority communities bearing much of the load.
This panel session will present various examples from Canada, Mexico and the United States of legal and policy mechanisms and instruments used to access and implement environmental justice.
Robert Varney
Moderator (m)
JPAC Member
Paolo Solano
Director, Legal Affairs and Submissions on Enforcement Matters Unit
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Aliénor Rougeot
Program Manager, Climate and Energy, Environmental Defence Canada
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Amanda M. Hauff
Senior Advisor on Environmental Justice, Office of International and Tribal Affairs, US Environmental Protection Agency
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Erika Hernández Mariaca
Co-founder, Collective Cuentepec Tosepan
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1:15 pm-1:30 pm
Report From the U.S. National and Governmental Advisory Committee Representatives
Download Presentation1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Panel 2: Community Mobilization and Environmental Justice Challenges
Environmental justice acknowledges the overlapping nature of injustices affecting marginalized communities and the Earth, and identifies how they are interconnected.
This panel session will present the principles of environmental justice by showcasing community examples that reflect each of them. Additionally, it will provide a platform to discuss current EJ challenges in Canada, Mexico, and the United States and to share reflections on the future trajectory of EJ in North America.
Cessia Esther Chuc Uc
Moderator (f)
TEKEG Member
Naolo Charles
Founder, Black Environmental Initiative, and Co-founder, Canadian Coalition for Environmental and Climate Justice
Josefa Sánchez Contreras
Hails from the Zoque Indigenous community of Chimalapa, Oaxaca, and is a researcher at the University of Granada.
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Don Hardy
Mayor of Kinston, North Carolina, Chairman of North Carolina Mayors Association Board of Directors, Vice Chairman, National League of Cities, and Member of the African American Mayors Association
Chris Hawn
Co-Director of Research and Education, North Carolina Environmental Justice Network
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3:15 pm-4:50 pm
Open Dialogue on Opportunities for Environmental Trilateral Cooperation: Can We Think about Environmental Justice From a Regional North American Perspective?
4:50 pm-5:00 pm
Closing Remarks by Esteban Escamilla, JPAC Chair
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−04:00)
Day two will feature a CEC Presentation on Environmental Justice Work (Part 1), a Youth Panel highlighting generational perspectives across North America and conclude with an Expert Roundtable with the CEC Executive Director, a discussion on the unique histories and trajectories of environmental justice and its evolution in Canada, Mexico and the United States.
11:00 am-11:30 am
Convention Center, Ballroom ABC
CEC Presentation on the Air Quality Improvement for Environmental Justice project
This session will feature an overview of the CEC Air Quality (AQ) Improvement for Environmental Justice Initiative, which has the objective of creating collaborative partnerships with community-based organizations interested in managing their own community AQ monitoring projects to understand, measure, and mitigate exposure and emissions of PM2.5 and black carbon.
Download PresentationOrlando Cabrera-Rivera
Moderator (m)
Head of unit, Environmental Quality, CEC
Elizabeth Campos Sanchez
Project Lead, Environmental Quality
11:30 am-12:00 pm
CEC Presentation on the North American PRTR Initiative and demonstration of the Taking Stock Online website and database
This session will offer a presentation of the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Initiative, a foundational Community Right-to-Know initiative of the CEC that promotes enhanced public access to and understanding of the amounts, sources, and management of industrial pollutants to support pollution prevention and sustainability. A demonstration of the Taking Stock Online website and North American PRTR database will follow.
Orlando Cabrera-Rivera
Moderator (m)
Head of unit, Environmental Quality, CEC
Danielle Vallee
Project Lead, North American PRTR Initiative
2:00 pm-3:30 pm
Youth Panel: Bridging the Gap:
A Conversation on the Generational Fight for Environmental Justice, touching on the importance of youth engagement in communities across North America to address environmental justice.
Prof. La’Meshia Whittington
Moderator (f)
Co-Founder/President, Democracy Green
Dr. Benjamin Chavis
Executive Director and Host, The Chavis Chronicles
Iman A Berry
Co-Founder, Green Ummah and Migration and Climate Change Contact Point, Youth Constituency, UFCCC
Katia Forgues
Co-Director, Sustainable Youth Canada and member, ECCC’s Youth Council
Cameron E Oglesby
Environmental Justice Advocate and Storyteller
Colton Buckley
Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils and Administrator, EPA National Environmental Youth Advisory Council

Fátima Zúñiga
Student, Renewable Natural Resources Engineering, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Sacnité Acosta
Co-Founder and Co-Leader, LEGAIA
4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Expert Roundtable with the CEC Executive Director: Environmental Justice: Origins, Evolution and Emerging Policy in North America
This roundtable will focus on past, present and emerging efforts to promote environmental justice (EJ) in North America particularly in the context of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. The invited experts will be asked to share their views on similarities and divergence in the understanding of EJ across the United States, Mexico and Canada, on the context of EJ’s evolution and how communities and public agencies have engaged on EJ. The panel will reflect on how EJ actions (such as improving access to information, promoting meaningful participation and the passage of specific EJ laws, policies and programs) can help tackle environmental inequities suffered by historically disadvantaged and marginalized communities facing polluted air, contaminated water, extreme heat, drought, severe weather events, flooding, food scarcity, and other intersectional vulnerabilities.
Jorge Daniel Taillant
Moderator (m)
CEC Executive Director
Michael S. Regan
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
Dr. Benjamin Chavis
Executive Director and Host, The Chavis Chronicles
Kenneth Martin
American Indian Environmental Office, EPA
Eriel Deranger
Executive Director and Founder, Indigenous Climate Action
Amanda Monforton
Director, ECCC Policy Development
Octavio Rosas Landa
Professor, Universidad Autónoma de México
Marco Polo Huitrón Bernáldez
Director, Federal Infractions Against the Environment, Profepa
6:15 pm-6:45 pm
Thalian Hall, 310 Chestnut St, Wilmington
Official Opening of the 31st Regular Session of the Council
Queen Quet
Published author, computer scientist, lecturer, mathematician, historian, columnist, preservationist, environmental justice advocate, environmentalist, film consultant, and “The Art-ivist.” Founder, Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (UTC−04:00)
Day three will include a CEC Presentation on Environmental Justice Work (Part 2) and will conclude with the Council Public Session, which presents an opportunity for North Americans to engage with the top environmental officials in the region. This year, discussions will focus on “Strengthening Environmental Justice through Community Empowerment.”
10:00 am-11:30 am
Convention Center, Ballroom ABC
CEC Presentation on
The EJ4Climate Grant Program and Communities for Environmental Justice Network, in which EJ4Climate community grant projects in the three countries will be featured and presentation on CEC project Communities for Environmental Justice Network, which was recently created to engage communities and organizations to facilitate learning and knowledge exchange processes to strengthen climate adaptation and build capacity.
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Violaine Pronovost
Moderator (f)
Lead, Community Grant Programs
Jackie Medcalf
Executive Director, Texas Health and Environment Alliance
Orion Kriegman
Founding Executive Director, Boston Food Forest Coalition
Jeffrey Renfrow
Director, Rio Bravo Restoration
Jose Torcal
Project Lead, Isla Urbana
Marley Kozak
National Program Manager, The Resilience Institute
Jaziel Soto Torres
Cucapah El Mayor Indigenous Community
Council Public Meeting:
Strengthening Environmental Justice through Community Empowerment
1:30 pm-1:40 pm
Welcoming Remarks by Jorge Daniel Taillant, CEC Executive Director
The GELP invites teams of young leaders from North America to support communities and preserve our shared waters, lands and air. The program is aimed at youth who are 18–35 years old and are part of a team such as, but not exclusively, youth-led organizations, youth-led associations, nongovernmental organizations, not-for-profit youth-led businesses, and teams of youth innovators and entrepreneurs interested in building their businesses. The selected youth teams will be present their innovative solutions to the Council and the public.
1:40 pm-2:10 pm
Generation of Environmental Leaders Program Youth Teams (GELP)
The GELP invites teams of young leaders from North America to support communities and preserve our shared waters, lands and air. The program is aimed at youth who are 18–35 years old and are part of a team such as, but not exclusively, youth-led organizations, youth-led associations, nongovernmental organizations, not-for-profit youth-led businesses, and teams of youth innovators and entrepreneurs interested in building their businesses. The selected youth teams will be present their innovative solutions to the Council and the public.
Jacob Barnet & McKenna Dunbar
Cofounders, Electrivive
Alexandre Savard & Nicolas Jourdan-Gassin
Co-founders Encore! Biomatériaux
Ana Cristina Posadas García & Daniela Guadalupe De Regil Muñoz
Cofunders, ORMA
2:10 pm-3:40 pm
Dialogue with the Council on Environmental Justice
During this session, Council members and invited experts will participate in a public dialogue on Environmental Justice.
Emiliano Reyes
Technical Advisor on Climate Change at the German Development Cooperation (GIZ)
Fe Magdalena de Leon
Senior researcher and a paralegal with the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)
William J. Barber III
Senior Director of Impact and Equitable Investments at the Coalition for Green Capital
3:40 pm-3:55 pm
3:55 pm-4:25 pm
CEC’s 30 Year Anniversary Celebration
Interactive session celebrating the 30 years of the CEC and showcasing successful and reproducible projects from the last 30 years.
4:25 pm-4:45 pm
Council Announcements
4:45 pm-5:00 pm
Council Session Closing
Click here to download the complete program of public events.
Financial assistance
If you are interested in attending the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s 31st Annual Council Session and the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Public Forum in person, you may apply for financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation. However, financial assistance is limited and available only to non-profit organizations and individuals currently residing in Canada, Mexico or the United States. Government representatives are not eligible for financial assistance, and funding will be limited to one representative per organization. To apply for financial assistance please follow the in-person registration link. Please note that participants are responsible for obtaining the necessary travel documents, such as a valid passport and travel visa (if applicable), as well as for covering any related expenses. The deadline to apply for financial assistance is 20 May 2024.
Event accessibility
We strive to host inclusive, barrier-free events that enable all individuals to fully engage with CEC activities. As such, #CEC31 sessions, panels and presentations will be live-streamed and all broadcasts will be available in English, French and Spanish via simultaneous interpretation, with closed-caption services available.
To further this commitment, we are gathering feedback from our audience to enhance the accessibility of our activities. Please indicate your requirements to help us improve our events so that they meet your accessibility and inclusion needs. Your input will help us identify areas for improvement. Please send us an email at cec31@cec.org.
Nathalie Daoust
Director, Government Relations, Strategy and Performance
(514) 350-4310
Marcela Orozco
Director, Advisory Groups and Public Participation
(514) 350-4305