23rd Regular Session of the CEC Council and Meetings of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)
Hotel Hyatt Regency Mérida
Avenida Colón esq. Calle 60, Centro
C.P. 97000
Mérida, Yucatán,
8 and 9 September, 2016
On 8–9 September 2016, Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Mexico’s Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, hosted United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy and Canada’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna, in Mérida, Yucatán, at the 23rd annual Regular Session of the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America.
Prior to the Council meeting, on 8 September, JPAC will host a public forum on biodiversity and climate change, with invited experts from the three countries. JPAC is composed of 15 citizens, five from each country. It advises the Council and ensures public participation, openness and transparency in the actions of the CEC.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
This JPAC public forum will look at the impacts of climate change on biodiversity from an environmental and economic perspective. Participants convening in-person and via webcast will also consider the vital contribution biodiversity makes to climate change mitigation and adaptation. They will also have the opportunity to discuss ecosystem-based adaptation solutions.
Regency Foyer
Registration of Participants
Regency I and II
Opening and Introductory Remarks
- Introduction of JPAC members, special guests, etc.
- Role and general, short history of JPAC
- Overview of public session theme

JPAC Chair
CEC Presentation
- Overview of CEC’s current work on Ecosystems and Climate Change

Keynote Presentation: Ecosystems and Climate Change: A two-way relationship

Santiago Lorenzo
Global Expert – Climate Finance, WWF International
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Regency I and II
Roundtable Discussion I: Mainstreaming the impacts of climate change on biodiversity
This session will address the questions: What are the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in North America from an environmental and economic perspective? How can mainstreaming climate change reduce these impacts?

Felicia Marcus
JPAC member

Martín Cadena Salgado
Coordinator: Project Resilience
Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Conanp) – UNDP
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Chris Field
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
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Katharine Mach
Senior Research Associate
Carnegie Science Department of Global Ecology, Stanford University

Aerin Jacob
Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Environmental Studies
University of Victoria
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Moderated Question and Answer Period with experts, JPAC members and audience
Roundtable Discussion II: Mainstreaming the contribution of biodiversity towards climate change mitigation and adaptation
This session will address the questions: What is the contribution of biodiversity to climate change mitigation and adaptation? How can mainstreaming biodiversity benefit climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives?

Adriana Nelly Correa
JPAC member

Sylvie de Blois
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science
McGill University
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Nélida Barajas Acosta
Coordinator of International Affairs COP13
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (Conabio)
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Louis Blumberg
Director, California Climate Change Program
The Nature Conservancy
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Moderated Question and Answer Period with experts, JPAC members and audience
Restaurant Peregrina Bistro
Lunch [provided]
Regency I and II
Workshop on Emerging Scientific Research Relating to Ecosystem-based Adaptation
This workshop will examine emerging research on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), i.e., conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems as strategy for adapting to negative effects of climate change at multiple geographic levels. Audience response, comments, and questions will be invited.

JPAC member

Living shorelines: Are we designing functional, sustainable, and resilient coasts?
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Update on Submissions on Enforcement Matters

Report from the National and Governmental Advisory Committee Representatives
Closing Remarks and Session Adjournment

JPAC Chair
Travel to Welcoming Reception
Salón de la Historia, Palacio de Gobierno, and Quinta Montes Molina
Official Opening of the 23rd Regular Session of the Council and Welcoming Reception
- Welcoming remarks by the Governor of the State of Yucatan, Rolando Zapata Bello
- Introductory remarks by César Rafael Chávez, CEC Executive Director
- Remarks by Lindsay Brumwell, Chair of the CEC Joint Public Advisory Committee
- Remarks by Gina McCarthy, Administrator, United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency
- Remarks by Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Welcoming remarks and Opening of the 23rd Regular Session of the Council by Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Mexican Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources
Friday, 9 September 2016
This year’s Council session will focus on the role of youth within the work of the CEC, in particular, on ecosystems and climate change, and supporting sustainable communities.
The 9 September Council meeting will include a public town hall session on these topics, featuring the three environment ministers, CEC Executive Director César Rafael Chávez, and CEC Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Chair Lindsay Brumwell. During the Town Hall, the Council will answer questions from the public in-person and online through social media.
Hotel Lobby
Registration of Participants
Regency I and II
Welcome/Opening Remarks
Presentation on the Biodiversity Strategy for the State of Yucatán

Secretary of Urban Development and Environment of the State of Yucatán
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Networking Session for the Public: Youth and the environment in North America
Participants are invited to meet and exchange views on the topic of “Youth and the environment in North America,” and identify three key questions concerning our region to be raised with the Ministers. They will appoint three representatives, one per country, who will make a brief intervention during the Council Town Hall that will take place in the afternoon.
Regency Foyer
CEC Exhibition
Restaurant Peregrina Bistro
Lunch [provided]
Regency I, II and III
Council Public Meeting
- Welcome introduction by the Council
- Report from the Executive Director on the Operational Plan 2015–2016
- Progress from Boston to Mérida. What’s next?
Regency I, II and III
Council Town Hall
- Parties’ Presentation: Youth and the environment in North America
- Q&A on youth and the environment in North America
- Photo contest winners
Council Session Closing
- Council Ministerial Statement
- Signing of Council Resolution and Ministerial Statement
- Closing Remarks by Administrator Gina McCarthy
- Concluding Remarks and Passing the Torch by Secretary Rafael Pacchiano Alamán
- New Council Chair and Announcement of 2017 Council Session by Minister Catherine McKenna