
Metrobús Reforma

Factual Record Regarding Submission SEM-18-002

July 5, 2023 108 pages
Metrobus Reforma Factual Record Cover

Metrobús Reforma

Factual Record Regarding Submission SEM-18-002

July 5, 2023 108 pages


On 1 July 2020, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA or “the Agreement”) and the Environmental Cooperation Agreement (ECA) entered into force. Pursuant to ECA Article 2(3), the CEC “will continue to operate under the modalities in place as of entry into force of [the ECA].” This factual record was prepared in conformity with the provisions of NAAEC Article 15.

On 2 February 2018, the organizations Academia Mexicana de Derecho Ambiental, A.C. and La Voz de Polanco, A.C. (hereinafter, the “Submitters”) filed a submission with the Secretariat in accordance with Article 14(1) of the Agreement. The Submitters assert that the approvals, permits, and concessions for the project to build line 7 of the Metrobús Reforma Mass Transit Corridor (Corredor de Transporte Público Colectivo de Pasajeros Metrobús Reforma) (hereinafter, “Metrobús Reforma project”), developed by the Mexico City government (CDMX), were granted “opaquely and unlawfully.” They contend in particular that the legally prescribed procedure for environmental impact assessment of the Metrobús Reforma project, now completed and being operated by the Mexico City authorities, was not followed.


Additional Information

Document Type: Factual Record
Theme: Enforcement
Series: North American Environmental Law and Policy
