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ALCA-Iztapalapa II: Factual Record

North American Environmental Law and Policy, Volume 24

June 2, 2008 156 pages
CEC Publication Cover

ALCA-Iztapalapa II: Factual Record

North American Environmental Law and Policy, Volume 24

June 2, 2008 156 pages


On 17 June 2003, Ángel Lara García (the “Submitter”) filed a submission with the CEC Secretariat asserting that Mexico is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law in connection with a polystyrene latex manufacturing and impregnation plant operated by ALCA, S.A. de C.V. (“ALCA”).

Submission SEM-03-004 (ALCA-Iztapalapa II) asserts that the government of Mexico is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law with respect to the crimes provided in Articles 414, first paragraph and 415, paragraph I of the Federal Criminal Code (Código Penal Federal—CPF) and the management of hazardous materials and wastes, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 150 of the General Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection Act (Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente—LGEEPA). On 9 June 2005, by means of Council Resolution 05-05, the CEC Council instructed the Secretariat to prepare a factual record with respect to the matter raised in the submission.

Additional Information

Document Type: Factual Record
Theme: Enforcement
Series: North American Environmental Law and Policy
