CEC hero image, a photo of Array

Loggerhead Turtle

Loggerhead Turtle

On 17 December 2020, the organizations Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (Cemda) and US-based Center for Biological Diversity (hereinafter, “the Submitters”) filed a submission with the Secretariat in accordance with USMCA/CUSMA Article 24.27(1). The Submitters assert that Mexico is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law in relation to the protection and conservation of the […]

Metrobús Reforma

On 1 July 2020, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA or “the Agreement”) and the Environmental Cooperation Agreement (ECA) entered into force. Pursuant to ECA Article 2(3), the CEC “will continue to operate under the modalities in place as of entry into force of [the ECA].” This factual record was prepared in conformity with the provisions […]

City Park Project

On 16 April 2019, the organization Acción Colectiva Socioambiental, A.C. (hereafter the “Submitter”) filed a submission with the Secretariat, in accordance with the provisions of NAAEC Article 14(1). The Submitter asserts that Mexico is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law in relation to the City Park Project, in the City of León, Guanajuato, Mexico. […]

Alberta Tailings Ponds II: Factual Record

On 26 June 2017, Environmental Defence Canada and the Natural Resources Defense Council (based in the United States), along with Canadian resident Daniel T’seleie (the “Submitters”), filed SEM-17-001 (Alberta Tailings Ponds II) (hereinafter the “Submission”) with the Secretariat. The Submitters assert that the Government of Canada (“Canada”) is failing to enforce the pollution prevention provisions […]

Agricultural Waste Burning in Sonora: Factual Record

On 22 January 2016, a person whose name has been kept confidential pursuant to NAAEC Article 11(8)(a) (the “Submitter”) filed an NAAEC Article 14(1) submission with the Secretariat. The Submitter asserts that approximately 100 tons of asparagus crop residues generated on some 13,000 hectares of cropland near the municipality of Caborca, Sonora (“the municipality of […]

Wetlands in Manzanillo: Factual Record

In February 2004, the company Zeta Gas del Pacífico, S.A de C.V. (“Zeta Gas”) submitted an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the LPG Terminal project before the Environmental Impact and Risk Branch (Dirección General de Impacto y Riesgo Ambiental—DGIRA) of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales—Semarnat). […]

Sumidero Canyon II: Factual Record

On 29 November 2011, the Comité Pro-Mejoras de la Ribera Cahuaré (the” Submitter”) filed a submission with the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in accordance with Article 14(1) of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. The Submitter asserts that Mexico is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law in connection with […]

Coal-fired Power Plants: Factual Record

Factual Record on Submission SEM-04-005 (Coal-fired Power Plants)

Ex Hacienda El Hospital II and III: Factual Record

Factual Record regarding Submissions Ex Hacienda El Hospital II and III (SEM-06-003 and SEM-06-004)

Environmental Pollution in Hermosillo II: Factual Record

On 30 August 2005, the Academia Sonorense de Derechos Humanos and Domingo Gutiérrez Mendívil (the “Submitters”) filed a submission with the CEC Secretariat in accordance with Article 14(1) of the NAAEC (the “Submission”). In submission SEM-05-003 (Environmental Pollution in Hermosillo II), the Submitters assert that Mexico is failing to effectively enforce its environmental law in relation to the prevention and control of air pollution in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora.

Lake Chapala II: Factual Record

Contains: Factual Record for Submission SEM-03-003 (Lake Chapala II)

Quebec Automobiles: Factual Record

Submissions on Enforcement Matters: Factual Record regarding Submission SEM-04-007 (Quebec Automobiles)