
Reducing Emissions from Goods Movement via Maritime Transportation in North America

Status: Completed
Operational Plan: 2013 - 2014

With a view to establishing a common North American approach to Emission Control Areas (ECA) for ships, this project identifies North American trends in the development and adoption of ship emission control technologies, fuel quality and best practices to reduce air pollutants (nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter) to meet requirements of US and Canadian Emission Control Areas. Trilateral work will also support Mexico in establishing an Emission Control Area under the International Maritime Organization, by assisting with technical analyses of marine source air pollutants, requisite monitoring, training, and steps necessary to establish its ECA.

Vessel in the ocean - Emissions

Key Accomplishments

  • Updated the emissions inventory for Mexico’s ports
  • Developed technical guidance for updating Mexico’s national marine vessel emissions inventory
  • Conducted an assessment of projected air quality conditions under the proposed Emission Control Area (ECA) and resulting health impacts and economic benefits
  • Analyzed fuel requirements, supply and costs under the proposed ECA
  • Developed a preliminary proposal to designate a Mexican ECA
  • Presented the preliminary ECA proposal and supporting analyses to key Mexican government representatives
  • Shared results and lessons learned from implementing an ECA in Canada and the United States
