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Where do grassland birds winter?

Density, abundance and distribution of wintering grassland passerines in the Chihuahuan Desert

September 4, 2014 30 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Where do grassland birds winter?

Density, abundance and distribution of wintering grassland passerines in the Chihuahuan Desert

September 4, 2014 30 pages


Fifty-seven percent of North American grassland bird species are undergoing significant, long-term population declines. Almost 90% of grassland-obligate bird species breeding in the western Great Plains are migratory and fully 90% of these species overwinter in the Chihuahuan Desert.

However these grasslands are being lost at an alarming rate. In order to halt and potentially reverse continental grassland bird declines, conservationists should focus more attention on protecting and restoring grasslands in the Chihuahuan Desert. This will help protect the investments being made in similar efforts on the breeding grounds.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Climate Change, Ecosystems
