CEC hero image, a photo of Tracking and Enforcement of Transborder Hazardous Waste Shipments in North America


Tracking and Enforcement of Transborder Hazardous Waste Shipments in North America

A Needs Assessment

August 30, 1999 51 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Tracking and Enforcement of Transborder Hazardous Waste Shipments in North America

A Needs Assessment

August 30, 1999 51 pages


This report, prepared for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, under the guidance of the North American Working Group on Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Cooperation,is intended to facilitate dialogue between United States, Mexican, and Canadian hazardous waste management officials on how best to meet the challenges of monitoring and enforcing hazardous waste regulations in the NAFTA era. Specifically, it offers a series of recommendations for integrating and/or supplementing tracking systems to enhance North American capacity to share data and improve the effectiveness of enforcement of domestic hazardous waste regulations and international agreements that address transborder shipments of hazardous waste.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Enforcement, Pollutants
