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The Status of Mercury in Canada, Report #2

A Background Report to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation's North American Task Force on Mercury

May 1, 2000 77 pages
CEC Publication Cover

The Status of Mercury in Canada, Report #2

A Background Report to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation's North American Task Force on Mercury

May 1, 2000 77 pages


This report is the second Status Report on Mercury in Canada and is presented as Canada’s input into the Phase II North American Regional Action Plan on Mercury. The status reports for Canada, Mexico, and the United States are an integral part of the three Parties’ commitment to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, and in particular to the Mercury Action Plans formulated for the Sound Management of Chemicals Working Group, under the Commission for Environmental Cooperation. The status reports for the Phase I Mercury Action Plan provide a basis for comparison and serve as indicators of progress from 1997 to 1999.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper, Project publication
Theme: Pollutants
