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The North American Mosaic

A State of the Environment Report

December 1, 2001 100 pages
CEC Publication Cover

The North American Mosaic

A State of the Environment Report

December 1, 2001 100 pages


The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of thestate of the environment in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, andinterconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominantand decisive role. Third, the report raises important andsometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Climate Change, Ecosystems, Enforcement, Green Growth, Pollutants
