CEC hero image, a photo of Practices and Options for Environmentally Sound Management of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries Within North America


Practices and Options for Environmentally Sound Management of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries Within North America

November 29, 2007 60 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Practices and Options for Environmentally Sound Management of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries Within North America

November 29, 2007 60 pages


Environmentally sound management (ESM) is one approach to ensuring that hazardous wastes and recyclables, including those moving across international borders, are being managed so that human health and the environment are protected.

The Hazardous Waste Task Force within the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) has selected spent lead-acid batteries (SLABs) as a priority hazardous waste/recyclable of common concern within North America. While all three NAFTA countries have policy and regulatory regimes in place to manage SLABs in an ESM manner, the US and Mexico could improve the availability of detailed information about the quantities of SLABs moving internationally for recycling and about the facilities to which the SLABs are exported. This report provides background material on the environmentally sound management of SLABs, and possible options and criteria to ensure the ESM, including tracking and transportation, of spent lead-acid batteries in North America.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Green Growth
