North American Environmental Law and Policy
(Volume 10)
North American Environmental Law and Policy
(Volume 10)
This is the second edition of a report first published by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America (CEC) in the North American Environmental Law and Policy series in 1999. The report was originally commissioned by the CEC Secretariat in support of undertakings made by the CEC Council in October 1995, in a joint policy statement issued through Council Resolution 95-8, entitled Public Access to Environmental Information. The second edition fulfills a request to the Secretariat, made by Council at its June 2001 Regular Session, for a summary of confidentiality regulations in Canada, the U.S. and other countries, with a view to providing Mexico with examples in this area. The summary of confidentiality regulations, or “exceptions to disclosure”, is found in the final section of each country report.
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