CEC hero image, a photo of NAFTA Effects


NAFTA Effects

Potential NAFTA Effects: Claims and Arguments 1991-1994

August 1, 1996 80 pages
CEC Publication Cover

NAFTA Effects

Potential NAFTA Effects: Claims and Arguments 1991-1994

August 1, 1996 80 pages


The Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s Environment and Trade Series is designed to deepen our understanding of environment and trade linkages in the context of North American trade liberalization.

NAFTA Effects—Potential NAFTA Environmental Effects: Claims and Arguments, 1991-1994 is designed to identify the major claims and arguments made by governments, academics, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and others in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico suggesting that there are potential direct and indirect environmental effects of the NAFTA.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Green Growth
Series: Environment and Trade Series
