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Invasive Species, Agriculture and Trade

Case Studies From the NAFTA Context

March 3, 2003 55 pages
Invasive Species, Agriculture and Trade

Invasive Species, Agriculture and Trade

Case Studies From the NAFTA Context

March 3, 2003 55 pages


Invasions by plants, animals, and pathogens into non-native environments pose one of the most significant, but least addressed, international threats to biodiversity, both within natural ecosystems and agricultural settings. For agriculture, one recent study estimates that 40% of all insect damage to crops in the U.S. is attributable to non-indigenous species (Pimentel et al. 2000). The impacts from and costs of invasive species can be divided broadly into six categories: crop losses, rangeland value decline, water resource depletion, livestock disease, genetic contamination, and management and eradication costs.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Ecosystems, Green Growth
