CEC hero image, a photo of Improving Conditions for Green Building Construction in North America


Improving Conditions for Green Building Construction in North America

Enhancing Capabilities of the Green Workforce

December 16, 2013 56 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Improving Conditions for Green Building Construction in North America

Enhancing Capabilities of the Green Workforce

December 16, 2013 56 pages


Among other factors, increasing uptake of green-building construction in North America requires access to financial capital, enabling policies, and a skilled workforce. As part of the report series Improving Conditions for Green Building Construction in North America, this report reviews education and training opportunities throughout North America and compares those opportunities to the skills and capabilities that are needed now, or will be needed over the next decade, in ten vital workforce sectors: builders, building trades, design professionals, building operators and managers, owners and developers, real estate and finance sector, manufacturers, municipal and other government officials, specialty consultants, and occupants.

The report also identifies characteristics that make education and training programs successful, points out gaps between the educational offerings and anticipated needs in the industry, and makes recommendations for disseminating these best practices along with steps for addressing those gaps. In addition to these industry-specific education and training needs, the report emphasizes the value of educating those who can drive demand for green building, especially corporate clients in the United States and Canada, and government officials in Mexico.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Green Growth
