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Identifying and compiling information on Indigenous and local communities in possession of traditional environmental knowledge (TEK) in Mexico

[Document available in Spanish only]

September 1, 2020 102 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Identifying and compiling information on Indigenous and local communities in possession of traditional environmental knowledge (TEK) in Mexico

[Document available in Spanish only]

September 1, 2020 102 pages


This report was written as part of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s project to compile a North American Atlas on Traditional Environmental Knowledge. Its principal objective is to identify and compile information on the frameworks and mechanisms applicable in Mexico regarding the participation of Indigenous communities there in TEK-related projects. As such, it will serve in decision-making on future CEC work and promote collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and communities. This report is solely descriptive in nature and does not aim to assess the efficacy of these mechanisms.

This Mexico-focused report is one of three; the two other reports focus on Canada and the United States respectively.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
