CEC hero image, a photo of Feedlot Production of Cattle in the United States and Canada


Feedlot Production of Cattle in the United States and Canada

Some Environmental Implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement

March 1, 1999 76 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Feedlot Production of Cattle in the United States and Canada

Some Environmental Implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement

March 1, 1999 76 pages


The purpose of this issue study is to consider some specific environmental implications of expanded North American trade and investment under NAFTA; the analysis was carried out by implementing a general framework developed by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s NAFTA Effects Project. The scope of this issue study is sectoral, focusing on the beef and cattle sectors of North America, particularly the US and Canadian fed-cattle industry.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Green Growth
Series: Environment and Trade Series
