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Enhancing the Comparability of the Air Emission Inventories in Canada, Mexico and the United States

Draft: 9 October 2001

October 9, 2001 66 pages
Enhancing the Comparability of the Air Emission Inventories in Canada, Mexico and the United States

Enhancing the Comparability of the Air Emission Inventories in Canada, Mexico and the United States

Draft: 9 October 2001

October 9, 2001 66 pages


Air emission inventories are essential elements in reducing air pollution in North America. There is an increasing awareness that ground-level ozone, acid rain, particulate aerosols, greenhouse gases and other pollutants cause public health and environmental damage over urban areas and large regions of North America (as well as the globe), and will require international cooperation and information exchange to find effective solutions. An air emission inventory provides air quality planners, research scientists, industry managers, public health officials, and environmentalists, the basic tools to determine the sources of air pollutants, the relative roles of different sources, and the trends over time of air emissions.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Pollutants
