CEC hero image, a photo of Design and Legal Consideration for North American Emissions Trading


Design and Legal Consideration for North American Emissions Trading

Secretariat Report to Council Under Article 13 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

June 17, 2002 38 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Design and Legal Consideration for North American Emissions Trading

Secretariat Report to Council Under Article 13 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

June 17, 2002 38 pages


This report, prepared for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America, explores key issues that should be taken into account when considering a multipollutant emissions trading regime that embraces all three NAFTA countries. Consideration of a NAFTA-wide emissions trading system as an environmental policy option is largely in response to the changing dynamics in the North American electricity sector, which have the potential to pose significant air quality and climate change challenges.

The report is intended to provide an understanding of the architectural elements involved in designing an emissions trading system and provides insight into which of those elements would be needed to ensure the environmental integrity of such a system. The paper also identifies potential “interface” issues that could arise under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the event of the implementation of a North American emissions trading system.

Additional Information

Document Type: Background paper
Theme: Climate Change, Green Growth
