CEC hero image, a photo of Confidential Business Information


Confidential Business Information

(Issue Paper #2)

December 1, 2002 9 pages
CEC Publication Cover

Confidential Business Information

(Issue Paper #2)

December 1, 2002 9 pages


This issue paper discusses the process for determining and handling confidential business information under the three PRTR programs in North America.

The Action Plan calls upon the CEC to prepare a paper describing the ways in which confidentiality claims are handled in NPRI and TRI and experiences to date, to assist Mexico in designing its system for handling information claimed as confidential under the RETC. It also calls upon Mexico to make RETC data publicly available, and for Canada to make the facility name and reported amounts publicly available for reports that have been claimed as confidential.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Pollutants
