CEC hero image, a photo of Bruized



Preventing Food Loss and Waste with Partners Throughout the Food Supply Chain

April 23, 2021 2 pages
Case Study Cover


Preventing Food Loss and Waste with Partners Throughout the Food Supply Chain

April 23, 2021 2 pages


Bruized, founded in 2019 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a women-run startup that aims to prevent food loss and waste and encourage plant-based diets. Bruized accomplishes this by using ingredients that would otherwise go to landfill or compost, thus preventing food from being wasted. Products include compotes, chutneys, cookies, and pulp-based granola for topping on yogurt and cereal. Bruized also uses recyclable/reusable materials (such as Mason jars) for packaging whenever possible to also minimize non-food waste. By making this message central to its business, Bruized aims to help consumers consider and minimize the waste impacts of their shopping and dietary habits.

Additional Information

Document Type: Project publication
Theme: Green Growth
