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North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

It’s #MapMonday! #DYK that approximately 24,000 industrial facilities report their releases (e.g., to air or water) and transfers (e.g., to recycling or disposal) to the North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (#PRTR) every year?

Pollutants released or disposed of on-site are to air, water, in or on the land (e.g., underground injection), and pollutants transferred off-site are to recycling, treatment (including wastewater or sewage), and disposal (including landfill and land application, etc.). Recent 5-year data show that almost 50% of these facilities reported total transfers to disposal of about 300 million kilograms of pollutants each year in #NorthAmerica.

For more information, stay tuned for this month’s publication of the latest Taking Stock report!

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