Greening the North American Auto Industry
Status: Completed
Operational Plan: 2009
In the auto sector partnership, the CEC proposes serving as a catalyst for collaboration between related initiatives in the three countries.
Given the high degree of economic integration of auto supply chains among NAFTA members, it is clear that an integrated approach to greening the supply chains makes sense in an effort to improve the overall environmental performance of the North American auto industry.

The auto sector is emblematic of the extent of economic integration of North America. However, supply chains from this sector have not been involved in coordinated and comprehensive efforts to improve their environmental performance.
Reduction of the ecological footprint of automotive supply chains in North America would result in a greener trade. The objective of this project is to support the creation of a North American Suppliers’ Partnership for the Environment in the auto industry to promote policies and actions that provide mutual benefits for the environment, trade and the economy.
This project will assist in driving eco-innovation within the auto industry, and promoting activities like pollution prevention, end-of-life management, recycling, and recovery of vehicles.
The CEC, with its North American focus on trade and environment issues and its previous work in the forging of regional partnerships in this sector, is uniquely suited to sponsor this initiative.
Key Activities
- Development of background paper to serve as basis for a North American Roadmap to Green the Auto Supply Chains.
- Host a trinational meeting of key auto sector representatives, including the North American Suppliers’ Partnerships, to review the Roadmap.
- Provide strategic support for further collaboration among the national initiatives.
- Increased exchange of tools and resources for greening the supply chains.
- A business-driven self-supported North American Partnership to promote greening of the supply chains in North America.
- Auto sector suppliers taking action to green their manufacturing.
- Reduction of the environmental impact associated with the auto industry.
Future Work
The activities planned for 2009 will allow the CEC to close the support cycle for the auto sector industry in terms of the objectives of Council Resolution 06-06.
This initiative started in 2006 and will bring its work to conclusion in 2009. Full and ongoing implementation of the roadmap will be the responsibility of private sector stakeholders and partners.