Workshop on ESM Practices for Mexican E-refurbishers & E-recyclers
Mexico City, Mexico
From 17 to 20 June 2013
Status: Open to the public (priority will be given to Mexican businesses), space is limited.
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation invites businesses that refurbish and recycle used and end-of-life electronics to attend a free-of-charge* workshop on environmentally sound management (ESM) issues and approaches at the facility-level.
Increasingly, governments, clients, investors, and the public are looking for assurances that a company practices ESM. ESM is also a cornerstone of international conventions and agreements on hazardous waste and recyclables.
More widespread use of these practices will increase opportunities for businesses, help Mexican businesses remain competitive within the local and global marketplace, and enhance protection for worker health and safety, surrounding communities, and the environment.
Proof of participation will be given.
Thank you for your interesting in our meeting, but we are now at full capacity. We hope to see you at future events!
Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in this major event: register as early as possible. The workshop is being offered free-of-charge* and space is limited.
After registration, you will be sent an email confirmation. Visit this website soon for further workshop details, including the course content and agenda.
The workshop will provide a unique forum to discuss a variety of ESM topics, including:
- importance and benefits of ESM to your business;
- implementing ESM at your facility;
- assessing and managing risks;
- performance measurement and reporting;
- existing and emerging legal requirements.
The course content is based on best practices identified within the international community, including those developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations (UN).
Click here for more information about the CEC project Sound Management of Electronic Wastes in North America.
CEC, NACLE, McGill University and Vermont Law School will hold a two-day discussion on North American Sustainable Development issues.
- On June 13, the North American Consortium on Legal Education (NACLE) will hold a workshop addressing the submissions process and the impact of its recent reforms. The NACLE workshop will also focus on the growing set of legal issues related to cross-border energy development and distribution. NACLE is comprised of 13 participating law schools in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The general purpose of NACLE is to promote and share understanding of the legal systems within North American countries (see
- On June 14, McGill University’s Faculty of Law and Vermont Law School will hold a workshop at the CEC Secretariat to present papers for the book “NAFTA and Sustainable Development: The History, Experience and Prospects For Implementation” to be published by Cambridge University Press.