CEC hero image, a photo of Sharing Perspectives on Industrial Pollutant Data


Sharing Perspectives on Industrial Pollutant Data


August 24, 2023
2 hours (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT)


North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Initiative

Join us for the online public engagement event being held by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)’s North American Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Initiative on 24 August 2023!

This event will provide a forum for individuals interested in the CEC’s North American Pollutant Release and Transfer (PRTR) Initiative – from governments, non-governmental organizations, industry, academia, and the public – to share ideas, information and suggestions about industrial pollution, access to and use of PRTR data, and how the CEC can continue to support data users’ needs. Participants will also have the opportunity to exchange with representatives of the three North American PRTR programs.

Languages: English, French and Spanish (simultaneous interpretation provided)

Help us improve our data access tools to better meet your needs, by filling out this questionnaire.

Background Document

Industrial Pollutant Data


24 August 2023

1:00–1:10 PM

Welcome, Opening Remarks, Meeting Objectives

1:10–1:50 PM

Update on North American PRTR Activities

This session will present information on the CEC’s recent and planned PRTR-related activities and will also provide an opportunity for participants to exchange with representatives of the national PRTR programs.

1:50–2:20 PM

Demo of Taking Stock Online

This presentation of the Taking Stock Online website, database and tools will provide an opportunity to explore data reported by North American facilities and address participants’ questions or areas of interest (including questions submitted via the pre-event survey questionnaire).

2:20–2:55 PM

Open Discussion

This session is aimed at sharing ideas, information, and suggestions relative to industrial pollution, access to and uses of PRTR data, and how the North American PRTR Initiative can continue to support data users’ needs.

2:55 – 3:00 PM

Closing Remarks