Regular Session of the Joint Public Advisory Committee 95-5
Montreal, Quebec
December 7, 1995
A Regular Session of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) was held in Montréal, Canada, on December 7 and 8, 1995. The List of participants, Agenda, Advice No. 95-6 to Council, Advice No. 95-7 to Council, Advice No. 95-8 to Council and JPAC Agenda for 1996 appear as Appendices A, B, C, D, E and F, respectively.
Among his comments, the Chair:
- noted the packed agenda and the importance of producing the Advices requested by the Ministers during the October session of the Council at Oaxaca, Mexico;
- indicated that three Advices must be issued, namely on the North American Environment Fund, Silva Reservoir Report and 1996 Program and Budget of the Commission;
- also mentioned the appointment of Manon Pepin as JPAC Secretary.