JPAC Regular Session 01-04
San Diego, CA, United States
United States
November 30, 2001
The Chair welcomed everyone to San Diego. She noted the absence, with reasons, of Gustavo Alanís-Ortega, Steve Owens, Merrell Anne Phare, Raúl Tornel, Blanca Torres, and Serena Wilson.
She reported that an invitation had been made to the Alternate Representatives to attend this meeting and provide explanation on the recent decisions on pending Article 14 and 15 submissions; however, schedules did not permit.
As this was the last meeting for Ms Donna Tingley, a Canadian member, the Chair presented her with a plaque on behalf of JPAC. Ms Tingley’s remarks are noted later in this record.
Finally, the Chair announced that Mr. Jonathan Plaut had been elected to serve as JPAC Chair for 2002, and warmly congratulated him.