Regular Session of the JPAC 03-04: “An unwelcome dimension of trade: the impact of invasive species in North America.”
Miami, FL, United States
United States
December 4, 2003
Hans Herrmann, head of the Conservation of Biodiversity Program, opened the session and welcomed the participants on behalf of the Executive Director. He explained that this dialogue between scientists and legislators had the purpose of assessing the magnitude of the invasive threat in North America, and most importantly to share best practices in terms of science, management, policy making and legislation. He noted the importance of gathering both scientists and policy makers to assist in crafting solutions to this serious and growing North American problem.
By way of background, he reviewed the CEC’s work to date on identifying and better understanding the trade-related pathways in North America. He concluded by noting that the challenge is to develop a common understanding of the magnitude of the problem and engage all actors of society in preventing and controlling the impacts of invasive species Gustavo Alanís-Ortega, chair of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) also made introductory remarks, explained the role of JPAC and its interest in invasive species. He explained that following this session, JPAC would develop an Advice to Council on the subject.
Mark Spalding, Environmental Law expert, facilitated the session. He explained the logistics noting that the intention was not to ‘restate the problem’ but rather to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the role of trade as it relates to the ecological, economic and health impacts of invasive species in North America and to share success stories/best practices in their prevention, control and eradication.