JPAC Regular Session 11-03: Perspectives on the Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters Process and Addressing the Cross Border Movements of Chemicals in North America
El Paso, Texas, USA
Hilton Garden Inn
111 W University Ave.
El Paso, Texas, 79902
United States
November 7, 2011
Information about hazardous wastes and potentially harmful chemicals that are crossing North America’s borders, as well as where they end up, is crucial to understanding and reducing these substances’ impacts on communities.
Join JPAC in El Paso, Texas, for a chance to discuss what’s being done now and to help identify what information may be missing on where these substances come from, how they’re transported and what happens to them once they’ve crossed the borders. Just as importantly, participants will discuss impacts on people’s health and the environment.
Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters
A morning session will feature the perspectives of citizens who have filed submissions with the CEC alleging that a Party to the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) failed to effectively enforce its environmental laws. This process, known as Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters, was created by the Parties to the NAAEC—Canada, Mexico and the United States—through Articles 14 and 15 of the agreement.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Welcome and opening remarks
Irasema Coronado
JPAC Chair
Overview of the SEM process and status report on the submissions
Dane Ratliff
Director, Submissions on Enforcement Matters Unit
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Question and answer period
JPAC Questionnaire on Submitters’ experience with the Citizen Submission Process
JPAC member
Albert Koehl
Staff Lawyer, Ecojustice
Gustavo Alanis
Presidente, Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA)
Former Senior Attorney, Waterkeeper Alliance
Question and answer period
Research project on NAAEC Article 14 and 15 Process
LeRoy Paddock
Associate Dean for Environmental Law Studies, George Washington University Law School, and member of the North American Consortium on Legal Education (NACLE)
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Question and Answer Period
Networking Lunch (Provided)
Report on CEC Activities
Evan Lloyd
CEC Executive Director
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Question and Answer Period
Cross border transfers of toxic contaminants in North America: Analysis of PRTR data
Orlando Cabrera
Program Manager, Air Quality and PRTR
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Panel discussion on government, industry and community efforts
Marisa Jacott
Executive Director, Fronteras Comunes
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Norman Bebon
Assistant Port Director for Trade, Department of Homeland Security
César Flores
Presidente, Transquímica Binacional
César López
Director del Comité Ambiental, Consejo Nacional de la Industria Maquiladora y de Exportación
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Facilitated discussion and question and answer period
Report from the National and Governmental Advisory Committee representatives
JPAC Follow-up and administrative matters
- Election of the 2012 JPAC Chair
- JPAC priorities for 2012 and next meetings
End of session