CEC hero image, a photo of Conserving Monarchs: Opportunities on Corridors in Canada


Conserving Monarchs: Opportunities on Corridors in Canada


May 30, 2017


This webinar aims to promote the restoration and enhancement of monarch habitat in key breeding grounds and migration corridors in Canada as part of the CEC project Engaging Farmers and Other Landowners to Support Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Conservation. Monarch habitat has been lost due to changes in agricultural practices, urban and suburban development, and land management practices. Gaps in monarch habitat can be filled with an “all-hands-on-deck” approach. Transportation and utility corridors can play a significant role in monarch conservation, providing milkweed and nectar resources along migratory routes. Join Vicki Wojcik, from Pollinator Partnership Canada as she presents best management practices for corridors as well as tips on how to engage employees and local communities in monarch conservation along corridors.