CEC hero image, a photo of Fortalecimiento de la aplicación de la legislación ambiental en América del Norte


Fortalecimiento de la aplicación de la legislación ambiental en América del Norte

Situación actual: Concluido
Plan Operativo: 2013-2014

Mediante un fortalecimiento de los mecanismos de cooperación para profundizar el cumplimiento de la legislación ambiental y su aplicación apoyada en recursos de inteligencia, este proyecto se propone mejorar la capacidad de las Partes para combatir en toda la región el comercio ilegal de materiales sujetos a regulación ambiental, incluidos desechos electrónicos, residuos peligrosos (por ejemplo, baterías de plomo3ácido usadas), sustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono y motocicletas que no cumplen con los reglamentos.

Waste containers

Principales logros

  • Reduced the limiting factors to sharing enforcement-sensitive information and intelligence among countries, including legal, technological and security issues, notably through actions of the North American Working Group on Environmental Enforcement and Compliance Cooperation (EWG); opened and reinforced channels for sustainable communication and collaboration among the three countries
  • Addressed some EWG core activities: building the enforcement capacity of inspectors at border crossings, incorporating intelligence-led enforcement into the operations of the enforcement
    agencies, and promoting innovative and emerging technologies to support surveillance and monitoring by enforcement officers in the three countries
  • The EWG has increased trilateral understanding of the regulatory gaps that exist among the three countries that may allow illegal smuggling of environmentally regulated materials to occur


  • The first edition of the CEC-EWG Digest, a compilation of enforcement-related information from the three countries, was produced and widely disseminated amongst the Parties’ officials
  • An online training course to curb illegal imports of ozone-depleting substances—a free and easy-to-use tool available to the public at <www.cec.org/ODS>, which complements the Hazardous Waste Online Trainer