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Council Resolution 96-10

Council Resolution 96-10

Distribution:  General



Toronto, August 2nd, 1996

Scheduling of Regular Sessions of the Council


IN ACCORDANCE with the obligation of the Council to convene at least once a year in regular session;

RECOGNIZING the need for the Council, the Joint Public Advisory Committee and members of the public to coordinate and plan for regular sessions of the Council;

FURTHER RECOGNIZING that planning the annual schedule of the Secretariat, such as the preparation of the program and budget and the preparation of the Annual Report, as well as coordinating other activities of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, would be greatly facilitated by selecting a fixed period of time in which the Council will meet in regular session;

HEREBY RESOLVES that the regular sessions of the Council will be held in the month of June, at a location specified by the Council in accordance with its rules of procedure.



(S) Carol M. Browner


Carol M. Browner

Government of the United States of America


(S) Julia Carabias


Julia Carabias

Government of the United Mexican States


(S) Sergio Marchi


Sergio Marchi

Government of Canada

Scheduling of Regular Sessions of the Council