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Council Resolution: 17-02

Council Resolution: 17-02

Distribution: Limited C1, C2

Extension of deadline for use of 2016 funds


MINDFUL of Rule 5.3 of the Financial Rules of the CEC;

IN CONSIDERATION of the CEC Secretariat’s proposal to extend 2015–2016 project documents production beyond 30 June 2017;

ALSO RECOGNIZING that certain activities of two of the 2015–2016 projects, which were to be completed by 30 June 2017, have been delayed;

HEREBY DECIDES to transfer an amount not to exceed C$373,500 into the 2017 budget to complete by 30 December 2017 the production of project documents stemming from the Operational Plan 2015-2016, as detailed in the appendix; and

ALSO DIRECTS the transfer of C$94,500 into the 2017 budget to complete the projects North American Initiative on Organic Waste Diversion and Processing and Greening of Chemicals Management in North America, as also detailed in the appendix.



Catherine Stewart
Government of Canada

Enrique Lendo Fuentes
Government of the United Mexican States

Jane Nishida
Government of the United States


Appendix to Council Resolution 17-02

Use of 2016 funds to complete 2015–2016 cooperative activities

A total of C$468,000 from 2016 funds will cover expenditures for the following cooperative activities to be finalized:

Completion of 2015–2016 projects (C$94,500)

Project 4: North American Initiative on Organic Waste Diversion and Processing—extend funds to 31 August 2017 (C$54,500)

  • Following the replacement of the subconsultant, who was carrying out the portion of the contract related to Mexico on the foundational report, to characterize and better understand the current situation with organic waste generation and the potential areas for improvement, the work had to be readdressed, causing an overall delay in the contract timeline.

Project 10: Greening of Chemicals Management in North America—extend funds to 30 December 2017 (C$40,000)

Task 2: Furthering the understanding of the migration of chemicals from manufactured items and subsequent human exposure and/or releases to the environment

Subtask 2.2: Completing testing of manufactured items and developing project reports

  • Subtask 2.2 could not be started until completion of subtask 2.1: Scoping and developing approach for testing migration of chemicals from manufactured items, including any required test method development and/or conducting pilot tests. The start of subtask 2.1 was delayed because no suitable consultant to conduct the work could be found in a timely fashion (the Request for Proposals had to be extended twice). Subtask 2.1 was finally completed in March 2017.
  • Work on the Subtask 2.2 is scheduled to start in May 2017. Given the complexity of obtaining representative consumer products in the three countries, additional time is requested for completion sample purchasing, analysis, and reporting on results.

Completion of project outputs from the Operational Plan 2015–2016 (maximum C$373,500)

Editing, quality assurance, translation, layout and publication, as required, for outstanding project deliverables—extend funds to 30 December 2017 (up to C$373,500)

  • The following project deliverables will be completed on time as planned under the Operational Plan 2015–2016; however, due to the large number of documents that were to have been completed and published by 30 June 2017, an extension of publication funds is needed to allow for the quality assurance reviews and final production of these documents.
    • Summary for policy makers on GHG mitigation options in the forestry sector of North America
    • Forest carbon scientific papers
    • Foundational report on food waste
    • White paper on food waste
    • Foundational report on organic waste (contract work extended as well – see above)
    • White paper on organic waste (contract work extended as well – see above)
    • Synopsis: Seagrass sediment sampling protocol and field study – British Columbia, Washington and Oregon; and corresponding map layer
    • Sinopsis: Cartografía de lechos de pastos marinos que captan y almacenan carbono azul en México; and corresponding map layer
    • Enhancing the alignment of North American trade statistics on elemental mercury and mercury-added products
    • Report on the migration of chemicals in consumer products (contract work extended as well – see above)
    • Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI) project website
    • Monarch conservation toolbox additional information and content of video to present the monarch conservation toolbox
    • Monarch conservation along rights-of-way (Canada): material from webinar to translate and post on website
    • Mayors’ Monarch Pledge trinational initiative documents
    • Action plan for the conservation of monarch butterfly in Mexico
    • Monitoring monarch butterflies and their habitat in North America report
    • Trinational BioBlitz Mission Monarch
    • Brochure: Ecosystem function and traditional ecological knowledge: Building resilience and adapting to climate change in North America
    • Update of NAMPAN website material
    • Whale watching summary document 

On 3 May 2017, the Council decided to transfer an amount not to exceed C$373,500 into the 2017 budget to complete by 30 December 2017 the production of project documents stemming from the 2015–2016 Operational Plan, as detailed in the appendix. It also directed the transfer of C$94,500 into the 2017 budget to complete the projects North American Initiative on Organic Waste Diversion and Processing and Greening of Chemicals Managements in North America.