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Council Resolution 15-03

Council Resolution 15-03

Distribution: General
ORIGINAL:  English

15 July 2015


Extension of deadline for use of 2014 funds


MINDFUL of Rule 5.3 of the Financial Rules of the CEC;

IN CONSIDERATION of the CEC Secretariat’s proposal of 11 May 2015 to extend the production of certain project documents beyond 30 June 2015;

ALSO RECOGNIZING that certain activities of the Enforcement Working Group, which were to be completed by 30 June 2015, have been delayed;

HEREBY DECIDES to transfer an amount not to exceed C$250,600 into the 2015 budget to complete by 31 October 2015 the production of project documents stemming from the 2013–2014 Operational Plan, as detailed in the attached table; and

ALSO DIRECTS the transfer of C$105,000 into the 2015 budget to complete the projectEnhancing Environmental Law Enforcement in North America under the 2013–2014 Operational Plan by 31 December 2015.


Louise Métivier
Government of Canada

Enrique Lendo Fuentes
Government of the United Mexican States

Jane Nishida
Government of the United States

On 15 July 2015, the Council decided the transfer of an amount not to exceed C$250,600 into the 2015 budget to complete the production of project documents stemming from the 2013–2014 Operational Plan, as detailed in the attached table. It also directed the transfer of C$105,000 to complete the project Enhancing Environmental Law Enforcement in North America.