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Council Resolution: 07-12

Council Resolution: 07-12

Distribution: Limited C1, C2



27 June 2007


An environmental outlook: emerging trends and their potential impact upon North America


REAFFIRMING the objectives of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, notably to foster the protection and improvement of the environment in the territories of the Parties for the well-being of present and future generations;

RECOGNIZING the importance to the Council, as stewards of the environment within each territory and as the governing body of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), of the highest quality scientific information for the purposes of decision-making;

NOTING the importance of identifying the major forces, trends and/or events that will impact the quality of the North American environment and of our ability to protect it, and to achieve environmental policy objectives over the long term;

RECOGNIZING that government agencies, international and environmental organizations, and scientific and academic institutions may already be engaged in research and analysis related to this topic; and

FURTHER NOTING the utility of identifying emerging trends for the purposes of informing the CEC’s next strategic plan as well as the development of the cooperative work program, including the assessment of the state-of-the-environment in North America;


AUTHORIZES and DIRECTS that an amount not to exceed C$90,000 from the CEC General Fund be allocated in financial year 2007 to compile and synthesize existing and ongoing assessments of long-term trend analysis in each of our three countries, and to begin work towards a 2008 North American Environmental Outlook Conference, in which selected topics and their potential impact upon the environment in North America will be examined;

DIRECTS the Secretariat to undertake the activities assigned to it as outlined in the attached document, Annex I to Resolution 07/12;




John Baird

Government of Canada


Juan Elvira Quesada

Government of the United Mexican States


Stephen L. Johnson

Government of the United States of America

An environmental outlook: emerging trends and their potential impact upon North America