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Council Resolution: 07-06

Council Resolution: 07-06

Distribution: General



28 June, 2007

Closure of the North American Regional Action Plan on polychlorinated biphenyls


RECALLING Council Resolution 95-05 on the Sound Management of Chemicals (SMOC), and the direction of the Council for the development of a North American Regional Action Plan (NARAP) on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);

ACKNOWLEDGING national efforts of the Parties in eliminating the deliberate production and use of PCBs and the continued decline of the use of equipment containing high concentrations of PCBs;

FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING the collaborative efforts contributed by the experts of the trilateral PCB Implementation Task Force; and

NOTING therefore that the primary mandate prescribed under Council Resolution 95-05 respecting PCBs has been fulfilled;


ACCEPTS the Task Force Final Evaluation Report: North American Regional Action Plan (NARAP) on PCBs;

ENCOURAGES the SMOC Working Group, through the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Standing Committee, to continue sharing and coordinating inventory and technical information on PCBs to ensure that the long-term objectives of the NARAP on PCBs continue to be met; and

REQUESTS the SMOC Working Group to present a report, by 2010 to the Council, on domestic implementation of PCB NARAP action items and an analysis of domestic PCB inventory/domestic annual report information.




David McGovern

Government of Canada


Enrique Lendo Fuentes

Government of the United Mexican States


Judith E. Ayres

Government of the United States of America

Closure of the North American Regional Action Plan on polychlorinated biphenyls