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Council Resolution 05-07

Council Resolution 05-07

Distribution: General


ORIGINAL:  English 


31 August 2005

Decision Regarding the Proposal by the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) to Prepare an Article 13 Report on Case Studies on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment.


SUPPORTIVE of the process provided for in Article 13 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) regarding the preparation of reports by the Secretariat on matters within the scope of the annual program of the CEC or any other environmental matter related to the cooperative functions of the Agreement,

HAVING CONSIDERED the Secretariat’s notification to Council, dated 5 August 2005, regarding its proposal to prepare an Article 13 report on Case Studies on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment,

AFFIRMING that Article 13 reports should inform, support and advance cooperation on environmental matters among the Parties, without duplicating existing work, and provide timely and relevant information and analysis, and

CONSIDERING the efforts currently underway among our three countries to conclude an agreement on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (TEIA) under the auspices of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP),


DECIDES, in accordance with Article 13(1) of the NAAEC, and in light of the considerations noted above, that the objectives of the NAAEC and the resources of the CEC would not be best served by the preparation of an Article 13 report on Case Studies on TEIA at this time and therefore objects, pursuant to Article 13(1), to the preparation of such a report.  




Judith E. Ayres

Government of the United States of America


José Manuel Bulás Montoro

Government of the United Mexican States


David McGovern

Government of Canada

Decision Regarding the Proposal by the Secretariat to Prepare an Article 13 Report on Case Studies on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment.