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Council Resolution 03-07

Council Resolution 03-07

Distribution: General



Washington, D.C., 25 June 2003

Adoption of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation Strategic Plan for North American Cooperation in the Conservation of Biodiversity


RECOGNIZING that through shared migratory and transboundary species and ecosystems the environments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States are intricately linked and interdependent;

AWARE that biodiversity loss generally has a cascading or rippling effect on species, ecosystems, and economies, first felt locally, then nationally and regionally;

REAFFIRMING the objectives of Article 1(c) and (f) of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) to “increase cooperation between the Parties to better conserve, protect, and enhance the environment, including wild flora and fauna” and “strengthen cooperation on the development and improvement of environmental laws, regulations, procedures, policies and practices”;

ACKNOWLEDGING the need for a long-term, comprehensive North American strategy of cooperation to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity;

FURTHER RECOGNIZING that the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Strategic Plan for North American Cooperation in the Conservation of Biodiversity (“CEC Biodiversity Strategic Plan”) will serve to guide the Council and the CEC Conservation of Biodiversity Program;

NOTING the existing efforts of the Parties in participating in cooperative biodiversity conservation initiatives and the desirability of achieving effective actions at the continental level;

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT past and current activities of the CEC, existing bilateral agreements between the Parties and multilateral agreements to which Canada, Mexico, and the United States are parties, as well as the work of relevant international and domestic organizations, to enhance cooperation on biodiversity conservation;

RECOGNIZING the guidance of the Biodiversity Conservation Working Group (BCWG) in the development of the CEC Biodiversity Strategic Plan and the input from governmental and nongovernmental organizations, indigenous and local communities, academia, and the private sector; and

CONSIDERING the opportunity for North America to serve as a global leader in developing cooperative approaches to address biodiversity issues of shared concern;


ADOPTS the CEC Biodiversity Strategic Plan, which includes Terms of Reference for the BCWG, in order to foster an integrated continental perspective for cooperative conservation and sustainable use of biological resources; contribute to the maintenance of the ecological integrity of North American ecoregions; and promote biodiversity conservation capacity and cooperative cross-sectoral activities in the three countries that contribute to the reduction and mitigation of threats to North American shared species and ecosystems;

SUPPORTS cooperation efforts identified in the CEC Biodiversity Strategic Plan, as defined by the following six goals:

  1. Promote cooperation for the conservation and maintenance of North American regions of ecological significance;  
  2. Promote the conservation of North American migratory and transboundary species, and other species identified by the Parties; 
  3. Facilitate data and information sharing across North America and promote integrated monitoring and assessment to increase understanding of the state of North American biodiversity;  
  4. Facilitate communication and networking, and the identification and sharing of best practices, priorities, and opportunities for education and training;
  5. Promote collaborative responses to threats facing North American ecosystems, habitats, and species; and 
  6. Identify and evaluate potential collaborative opportunities for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological resources that arise from regional trade; and 

DIRECTS the CEC Secretariat to coordinate and seek partners, additional funds, and diverse input regarding the implementation of the CEC Biodiversity Strategic Plan, keeping the BCWG informed of developments.

RECOGNIZES the importance of the knowledge and role of indigenous and local communities regarding the implementation of the CEC Biodiversity Strategic Plan, and encourages the CEC Secretariat and the BCWG to explore innovative mechanisms to consider the compatibility of biodiversity conservation with traditional lifestyles and needs.




David Anderson

Government of Canada


Victor Lichtinger

Government of the United Mexican States


Christine Todd Whitman

Government of the United States of America

Adoption of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation Strategic Plan for North American Cooperation in the Conservation of Biodiversity