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Council Resolution 00-02

Council Resolution 00-02

Distribution:  General



Montreal, 16 May 2000

Decision by Council regarding Submission on Enforcement Matters (SEM-97-006)


SUPPORTIVE of the process provided for in Articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) regarding submissions on enforcement matters and the preparation of factual records;

CONSIDERING the submission filed on the above-mentioned matter by The Friends of the Oldman River, and the response provided by the Government of Canada;

HAVING REVIEWED the notification by the Secretariat of 19 July 1999 to this Council that the development of a factual record is warranted in relation to Submission SEM-97-006;

NOTING that the one specific case presented in the submission, the Sunpine Forest Products Forest Access Road Project, is currently the subject of domestic proceedings in Canada; and

ACKNOWLEDGING the special circumstances of this case, in particular, the developments since the notification involving the domestic proceedings associated with the Sunpine Project;

NOTING that the submitter could provide relevant assertions of fact about other cases of asserted failures to enforce the environmental law identified in the submission;


TO DEFER consideration of the notification at this time; and

TO DIRECT the Secretariat to review expeditiously any relevant assertions of fact about other cases that the submitter may provide, after having given Canada an opportunity to provide a response to those assertions; and to convey its recommendation to Council for a decision.




Government of Canada

by Norine Smith


Government of the United Mexican States

by José Luis Samaniego


Government of the United States of America

by William Nitze

Decision by Council regarding Submission on Enforcement Matters (SEM-97-006)