CEC hero image, a photo of Conserving Shorebirds Through Community Engagement


Conserving Shorebirds Through Community Engagement

Status: Completed
Operational Plan: 2017 - 2018

Conservation of habitats and North American fauna provide an opportunity for economic development through tourism and other activities. Thousands of shorebirds stopover at deltas, mudflats and flooded fields in Canada, Mexico and the United States to rest and feed during their epic spring and fall migrations between breeding grounds in the Arctic and overwintering sites in Mexico and further south. This project builds capacity in communities along migration routes to conserve habitat and develop ecotourism linked to bird migration cycles (such as bird watching and conservation/celebratory events.) Incorporating the traditional ecological knowledge of Indigenous communities from north to south, and the efforts of local wildlife, naturalist, and agricultural partners, this project will harness local action, producing habitat conservation and sustainable economic benefits.