CEC hero image, a photo of Array


Communities for Environmental Justice Network

Status: Active
Operational Plan: 2023
Project Duration: 18 months
Start date: April 3, 2023

Environmental Justice (EJ) is a broad term used to describe a range of social movements and policy frameworks which address the heightened risk of environmental harm to marginalized communities. Seeking justice in this context implies an effort to increase and enable fair and equitable treatment among the population, leading to the elimination of inequities. For the purposes of this project, the terms “environmental equity” and “environmental justice” refers both, indistinctly, to fair and equitable treatment among the population, leading to the elimination of inequities, subordination, discrimination and exclusion, recognizing and protecting cultural and gender differences, from a human rights perspective in actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

To find out more about this project, here is the complete project description.


The project “Communities for Environmental Justice Network” (CEJN), aims to create a network of Indigenous, local vulnerable, disadvantaged, and/or underserved communities that have environmental justice concerns, in order to increase local capacity through the amplification and dissemination of community-based expertise, lessons learned, and guidance in the context of climate change.


Through the Network, participating members will contribute to the facilitation of learning and knowledge exchange processes, in particular traditional knowledge and practices, and develop a virtual resource library with the goal of strengthening the climate adaptation, mitigation and other capacity building of Indigenous, local, and vulnerable communities in Canada, Mexico and the United States.


A Network of environmental justice communities that have actively participated in trinational workshop and identified culturally and contextually relevant strategies, methods and tools for addressing climate adaptation and mitigation in North America.

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Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Participating Partner Logo

For more information about this project or to partner with us, contact:

Violaine Pronovost
Lead, Community Grant Programs