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2023 Active

Stimulating Behavioral Changes to Reduce Food Loss and Waste (FLW) in North America and Expanded Promotion and Uptake of Related CEC FLW Resources

The CEC Council has acknowledged the importance to further build upon the success of past CEC FLW projects, and continue to demonstrate CEC leadership and visibility to support FLW reduction...

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Informed Substitution

2023 Active Pollutants

Scoping Project on a North American Center for Informed Substitution

The presence of chemicals of concern in a broad range of products can be associated with risks. Many of these chemicals, their chemical substitutes, and their transformation products can negatively...

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Electronics sector

2022 Active Green Growth

Opportunities for Circularity in the North American Electronics Sector: Phase 1

Linear models of economic production and consumption place a high demand on natural resources and accelerate environmental degradation. This in turn translates into increased business risks through higher costs, as...

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2024 Active

Advancing Responsible Purchasing of Wood Products

Illegal logging, and the trade in illegally logged timber, is a domestic, regional, and global issue. It has negative economic, environmental, and social impacts, including—but not limited to—forest degradation, loss...

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Reaching Horizon 2030

2024 Active Climate Change

Reaching Horizon 2030: An Environmental Outlook for North American Cooperation

The initiative Reaching Horizon 2030: An Environmental Outlook for North American Cooperation (H-2030) will assess significant environmental challenges to 2030 that can be addressed through the CEC, providing critical information...

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2023 Active Climate Change

Communities for Environmental Justice Network

Environmental Justice (EJ) is a broad term used to describe a range of social movements and policy frameworks which address the heightened risk of environmental harm to marginalized communities. Seeking...

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Energy sources

2022 Active Climate Change

Transitioning Remote Communities to Renewable Energy

Providing access to affordable, reliable and clean energy for all is a global challenge. Advancements in renewable energy sources and enabling technologies (e.g., storage), as well as their decentralized nature,...

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Diver working on Ghost Gear - GGGI

2022 Active Ecosystems

Addressing Ghost Gear in North America

Ghost gear (abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear – ALDFG) is a particularly harmful form of marine debris. The Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) is the largest cross-sectoral alliance dedicated...

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